Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I want to talk about gifts. Not the gifts we all just opened around the Christmas tree but the gifts that we all get from God, our Father. We each have gifts of some kind and it is sad that so many do not look at what they have inside and see the gifts that God has blessed them with.

I have had people say they do not have anything to offer people. If that was true why are they here? Why did God allow them to be here? We all have something to offer someone even if it is a one time deal with one person. Maybe it is the one person you are closest to, maybe it is someone you have not met yet. Maybe your gift is not just one person or thing but it is to reach millions. How do you know what it is? I have been blessed to see so many people use their gifts and they didn't even know they were using the gift. I have been through a hard time in the last 2 years, but I have gotten to see people use there money, words of encouragement, prayer, and all the resources with people to help me.

1 Corinthians 12 in the Message Bible names some of the spiritual gifts that we as Christ followers can receive. Wise counsel, clear understanding, simple trust, healing the sick, Miraculous acts, proclamation, distinguishing between spirits, Tongues, Interpretation of tongues. These are just some of them. Can you find yourself in there any where?

Do I know what my gift is yet? No, but i think some of us may never know unless we ask God to show us. I know that God will use me if He hasn't already, to make a difference. All I know is that if we seek God and open our hearts and minds, we will receive a blessing and insight to what God has given us.

I would like to encourage you to take a look at some of the people around you and see if there is someone you can help in someway, then seek God for what it is you can do for that person and then go do it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Have you ever had to make a choice that you knew if you made it, it would have generational effects? I knew the day that I chose to turn my back on all that God has tried to show me in my life that I was going to be going down a road that would have an impact on the generations to come behind me. Anytime you choose to follow the world and turn your back on God there is going to be a consequence that you are going to face.

For me it was almost losing my family, friends, and my career. I found myself lost and searching for answers, hoping that all things would be forgotten, hopes to never face those things in my life, hoping that life would pass me by, and that I would never be seen. I wanted to hide my face because of all the shame that I felt. Shame for leaving my family, for not being able to be strong and fight off Satan for them-that was a CHOICE. I have let my family, myself, and God down because of that one choice that I made. You might be saying you would never do something like that to your family. What people do not understand is that if you put anything in front of God such as money, your job, yourself or family, you have affected those coming behind you in a negative way. For me, making the choice to put my needs in front of my family's needs automatically told them I loved myself more and I deserved to be happy. What a mistake that was!

We all face choices everyday. For some of us we go to bed thinking okay Lord, in the morning I am going to wake up and spend a quiet time with you. The alarm goes off and we say I need a little more sleep. That's a choice. How about the little choices we make such as when people need help and some of us look away like we never saw them instead of helping them or just seeing what they need. Here's my favorite-church, how many people wake up on Sunday morning and say I stayed up too late or its too early or its too cold, to hot, or I just sneezed-I better stay home. What a choice. Isn't it great that we live in the greatest country in the world and we have the choice to do what we want, hmm.

Wonder what would have happened if God chose not to manifest himself into a human to walk on this earth, to feel the things we all feel. I wounder what would have happened if he didn't heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind and cast out demons. What if he chooses not to ask all the disciples to follow him, and one day say I think I am going to choose to let you figure out all the things to come on your own. I know you see where this is going. What if He chose not to go to the cross and take on all the sickness, sin, and pain that ever happened, and that ever will happen. What if...

I don't know for sure what makes people choose the things that they do but I know I have chosen God. I choose to seek Him and what His word(the bible) says, and what He has for me and my family. I choose to stand up for Him, for anything about him. I am not perfect and He does not expect us to be, but I think as a whole we could all make better choices.

The next time you think you don't want to come to church, or take the extra time to pray and seek him, or maybe you see someone that could use some prayer down at the altar, we should think about what all God has chosen to do for us.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Change: A) to make difference B) to make a radical difference. C) to give a different position, course, or direction, or D) to replace with another. Now I have a question, have you changed, do any of these definitions apply to you, or are you the same person you were when you where in your youth? Some people have said to me, I have changed but in reality they have not changed, they have grown up. They still have some of the same feelings they have always dealt with or felt. The only difference is that now they are in a place where if they do those things they will pay a heaver consequence for their actions.

For me, growing up in small town America, it was easy to get in trouble but hard to keep people from finding out about it. To be honest, as a young kid I really didn't care who knew but there was something in me that would try to hide every time my mother or father yelled "Richard"! Before I knew it I felt like there were people all over town saying that boy is...whatever. It wasn't until I moved from that small town did I realize I can't be acting this way and doing all the stuff in a small town that I was doing in my new town. Why is that? Because sooner or later we must grow up but that does not mean we have changed. We need to act different to get to where we need to be.

I remember my mother telling me that she would let me live with her but her requirement was that I had to go to church. Why? I did not understand at the time but God was ready for me to change my direction, change from the kid inside and grow up. It took some time but eventually I said okay I will change. Bam! I got changed, I got saved, got a job, met my beautiful wife, bought a house, had kids. Wow, did I change... so I thought. It seemed on the outside I changed but the truth was no one knew who I was-not my wife, my parents, not even myself.

It seemed to me that I was holding on to the past. Women, drinking, and being in charge of myself. I had no idea that I was not in control. I was out of control heading down a lonely road all because I refused to change. You will need to look at some of the other posts to see where loneliness and not wanting change in your life will take you.

It took going through hell before I was ready to change, ready to see a difference in my life, and ready to make a difference in my life, for me to be REAL (I have seen that word before). Is being real a change? It was for me. I had to put away all of my selfish needs and thoughts and turn them over to God. I had to do something that I have never done, let God in, let my wife in, and all the people that wanted to come in and help me change in.

There will come a day when you will say I sure would like to change or someone might say behind you I sure wish he or she would change. Either way, if you thought it, or if someone else did, you must have something in your life that needs change and only God can do that.

First you will need to confess out loud. Father(God), I need to change and I can't do it by myself I need you to come in and change me. I need to make you first in my life. I need you to save me. I believe in you. I believe you died on the cross for me and my sins. If you mean that prayer, watch out because change will come.

If you will accept the change and are looking forward to a new you, the change will be on going for the rest of your life.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Where is everyone?

I have been thinking lately about that old rhyme we said when we were kids. Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors and here are the people. Are the people really in there or are they just there physically? Everyone has heard the phrase "the light is on but no one is home". I once was one of those people. I also wonder why it is that when we go to our favorite football game or sporting event that when something good happens everyone rises to their feet yelling, raising their hands, giving high fives to each other. When something bad happens like a foul of some kind we take offense to it like it was personal.

Where are the people at to celebrate the birth of our King? Where are all the people to stand up and cheer knowing that our Father is there for us when we are having a bad day, week, or year? I don't know about you but when I hear someone preaching about Him or when my favorite praise song is being sang, I want someone to say that is awesome or raise their hands with me and root for our team. When someone mocks our Lord our says anything negative, I want to stand up with disbelief and take it personal (I think God wants us to also).

I have had the opportunity to see people come to Christ and get baptised. Did we cheer as if our team mate scored the winning touch down? No. Most of us sat there, maybe we clapped, maybe got an amen, but that was about it. Even though they did score the winning touch down they won the game, they scored the goal for themselves. We are the fans to root for them and give them high fives!

I think its time to stand up for the team. What team are you on? The winning team pumps each other up and celebrates with each other when they do something good. Getting saved and being baptized is something that I want to encourage. We need to be there for them, have their backs when they do not understand why things are happening to them. We need to be there when things are bad, when things are hard. That is how we get to be there when things are good.

Very seldom do we get the opportunity to do something in life that really counts. I 'm not talking about getting that job, or house, or that statis. I am talking about making a difference in lives. Lives that can be changed for ever. If we stand up for those who just scored the big one and congratulate them and let them know how proud we are to have them on our team, then maybe we can also be in the game called salvation. Do not get me wrong, I do not think its a game at all but so many people do. They only want to play if they are in the spotlight. Those are the ones that do not understand being washed in the Holy Spirit. They think that since they came down front and asked the coach (God) if they could come and get in the game, that they are playing. The truth is they are on the side lines watching, until its time to score then they rush in and try to score but get pushed back because of lack of experience. I know because I have been there.

People, it's time to get real and take the responsibility that we receive when Christ comes into our lives. You might be asking who gave me the right to call you out? In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus said "All the authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me (Jesus). Therefore go out and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age".

Surely after you read this you can see what I am talking about. We need to go out there and put ourselves on the line and seek God's will and what He has COMMANDED each one of us to do.

It's time to go to battle for those who are new in their spiritual walk and for the ones that have grown tired and are hurting. We need to stand up for them.

More to come on this subject...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I have often wondered about faith, faithfulness, and being faithful. To me these are some very serious things to be concerned with. Faith, what do you have faith in? Is it men or a job, or is it in yourself? I have had faith in all of those things and I am here to tell you that man will let you down. Your job can go away and you can not do it on your own.

I would like to ask that you look at what you do in a situation that you have no control over anything. Do you go and ask for advice from a friend, do you go and try to work more, or do you say to yourself I can get through this? If any of you are like I used to be I would say or do any of these things and then wonder why things are not getting better. I would try one thing and then go to the next. But I always fell short of my goal.

Hmm...my goal when did it become about me? When did it make sense to try and do what I wanted to do? That is putting your faith in your own hands and not putting your faith in God. There has been times when I have put my faith in man only to be let down. When you put men up on a pedestal you are looking for them to have all the answers and to not have any flaws but they do.

There has only been one man that was able to hold up to what men wanted him to. That man is Jesus Christ. He was so faithful to you and me that he took it all the way to his death. Not only to death but he took on everything wrong in our lives. That sounds to me like someone I would put all my faith in. How about you?

Over the last year I went from having enough money in my pocket to blow, to having nothing but my pockets blowing, but God provided for me only after I put my faith in Him. I still do not have a job but I believe His word, that if you give him what you have he will bless you in ways you would not expect. People are saying that praying is the only way but if you do not put faith in what you are praying for and believe that he has already begun to work out things for you, then you have little faith. Just like the disciple he asked to come to him out on the water, as he walked he started to doubt him and began to sink and he called him out - "Ye of little faith", that's what he will say to you in one way or the other.

I have found that it makes sense to believe and have faith, total faith in God, than to think I can do it with out him.

Habakkuk 2: 4 See that he is puffed up; his desires are not upright but the righteous will live by his faith.

I love the last part of Romans 1:17 The righteous will live by faith.

I found over 50 places in the Bible on faith. I think its time to put your faith in him, all in him, and only in him.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Be Bold

Bold- What does it mean to be bold? For me, to be bold is not to be afraid, afraid of what people say, what they think, and to be able to stand up at anytime under any circumstances. I have had some people say that my user name is cocky, arrogant or just being full of myself. I would like to ask those people how REAL are you? Do you need me to pray for you, do you need any help with anything, or just ask them how can I help them?

I have recently asked several men to come down to the altar to pray for our church, families, pastor, and the nation for revival. That, to me, is real. That, to me, is being real about what God has called each and everyone of us to do. Its time we stand up and be bold.

Too often we get lost in the world and I understand that just as much as anyone. I was bold and I was cocky, and arrogant. I would do anything I had to do to get head of anyone. I sometimes think that is what people might be thinking when I say "Be Real".

I recently went to the meeting called Men's Encounter where I heard the words be bold in all that you do. It was spoken by a man named Stan, you want to talk about a man that is bold, he is so bold that when he speaks you can feel the presence of God. He speaks as God has given him every word to say. You know how bold Jesus was? For example when he walked into the temple and turned over the tables and ordered everyone to stop using the temple as a market place, that was bold. How about all the times he would say I am the Son of God and when he would tell someone that is blind to open their eyes or tell someone to get up and walk away and then to raise someone from the dead, that's bold. But there was this one time that stands alone and brings a new meaning to being bold. It is when he died on the cross for our sins and took on everything that we have ever done and ever will do because he loved us so much that he wanted to step up and be bold in what his Father has asked him to do.

He is not asking us to be whipped, beaten, torchered, have a crown smashed on our heads, then get up and walk through a crowd of people that hate you for trying to love them and all they can do is mock you and spit on you, and then lay you down and drive these big nails into your hands and feet and hang you on this cross where your skin slowly rips with every breath you take, and then if that was not enough they rip your clothes off and spear you to see if your dead yet. That is boldness. All he has asked of us is to come to him, pray, seek, and believe in him.

Where is our boldness? Why can't we stand up for him and not worry about what people think? I try to. That is why I said "BE REAL FOR HIM" and do what he has asked us to do.

Friday, November 21, 2008


This is going to be a hard one. I want to start by saying that I do not claim to know everything about this subject. Only my wife and the Lord knows what has gone on in my heart the last couple of years. Like a lot of you, I came from a divorced family. I had no idea how a man was supposed to treat his wife. I thought if I would get up and go to work and then come straight home after work, say hello to the wife, rub the kids heads, then retire into the faithful recliner for the evening, everything would just fly on by.

We do not live in the "Leave it to Beaver" era. Life is so fast we are caught up in the world and needing approval from everyone and everything except from the one that is really doing the judging, the Lord our savior.

In my marriage I have done or tried to do about everything a person shouldn't do in a marriage. I have lied, stole, mentally abused, misplaced trust on where I was and what I was doing, and had a relationship with another woman, and totally manipulated everything.

Wow, that is even worse when you put all of that in front of you. I have talked to enough guys that would say that in their marriages they have felt or done some of those things.The question is why? Why are there so many men in today's world that are feeling these things?

I think it has everything to do with their relationship with their Father. I didn't say dads. Why? Because your Dad will let you down. He is not perfect...but your Father in heaven is always there and His love is never failing. He calls the church His bride. If the people would take care of the church the way we are supposed to then it would be easier to see the love that He has for her.

In my marriage I have been given a second chance to do it right through God's grace and mercy. I know there are some things that I left out that I have done in our marriage but those are the things that I could think of. Besides, it only takes one of those things to start a downward spiral in your marriage.

I have learned it does not matter who, why, or what the argument is about, it is up to us men to love and show our wives the love that our Lord displays for the church and to us.

I am convinced that if we (men) act in the way God has designed us to then we will have the marriage that we wanted the day we said I DO.

Which brings me to my next question when you said I do did you mean "I do" or "I kinda do" or did you think you where still in the repeat after me mode?

It is important to take a look at what happened that day you said this is the happiest day in my life and ask yourself where things went wrong. Why do I not still have that feeling I did on that day? Then I would challenge you to take a look at where you are in your walk with Christ and are you walking together or are you going solo or are you even walking with him at all?

I would also ask that you ask your wife "what can I pray for you, what need are you needing met in your life and will you pray with me on my knees". Then you will see the blessing come up on your lives in a totally new way.

My heart hurts for today's marriages. There are so many men and women that are in trouble spiritually and emotionally. These things can only be healed through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Final thought - always tell her you love her even if its only been 5 minutes since you last said it and when you feel you have got something to say to your wife, make sure you can back it up biblically and that you bring your discussion with a clear and loving heart.


The holidays are here again. This year brings on a new meaning. Starting with Thanksgiving - I have so much to be thankful for. This year starting off with thanking Jesus, for giving me another Chance at life, for dying on the cross for my sins. Without God 's Mercy and giving me grace on my life I would have never been able to receive the Holy Spirit in my life.

Next I would like to thank my wife for her devoting heart, love, and her prayers that she has done so unselfishly. Without her I have know idea were I would be right now. I have talked of being Faithful, Forgiving, Hopeful, and Trustworthy on my blog. All of these were inspired by her and her walk with God and having God working on my heart at the same time.

Then I would have to be thankful of my children. They have endured so much in their short lives with what I have put them through. They too have shown me a lot of the same things that my wife has, especially my 11 year old son. For him I think it is still hard for him to trust me and to believe me but when you are a kid and the person that you should be able to trust the most breaks his trust, it is hard to trust again. With my daughter being so young through all of this, I wonder if it affected her at all. I think it did but it was probably in a way that she will ask me about when she is older.

Finally, I am thankful for my friends and my church for not giving up on me and being there for my family. Even though some people gave up on me and wrote me off, I think a lot of you see that I was not myself and have accepted me back with open arms.

So you see, I have so much to be thankful for. I bet if you would take a look at your family, church, and if you know your Lord and Savior as your Father, friend, Counselor and etc... you would know what I am talking about.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I have been truly blessed in my life. I am not rich, I don't drive a fancy new car, and my home is not much more than shelter from the elements. I say that I am truly blessed first because God in His mercy has seen fit to save my wretched soul. To offer me salvation while I was stills His enemy. In the words of Isaiah 53:5, He saw it fit to crush His son for my transgressions. If I had nothing else in this world, that would be enough. But God has seen fit to bless me with a beautiful, loving, compassionate, patient, Godly wife. And she has bore me two wonderful children. I have a dependable job that allows us to give freely to His Kingdom.
You might be thinking to yourself, "O.K., I to am a Christian, I have a wonderful family, and in today’s economy you might even be so lucky as to say that you have a dependable job. What is your point?"
My point is that God has blessed me with something else, something that few men in today’s world find. He has blessed me with not one, but two soul mates. My wife was the first, and about a month ago He gave me another. He is Rick, the author of Real Men For Him. We met down on the gulf coast while doing Hurricane Ike relief, and from the moment we met I felt a kinship like no other. I didn’t know how to explain it until I was in Sunday school. We were studying 1 Samuel 18:1-4, it said that from the moment that David met Jonathan their souls were knit to one another. Vs 3 says that Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.
In a very short amount of time, Rick has become that kind of friend to me. I say that I am truly blessed because not many men allow themselves to be so vulnerable as to give themselves to a relationship that transparent and honest. We as men have believed satan's lie that to really love another man is somehow homosexual. Well I am here to call the true men of God to denounce that lie and to seek out the friendship and accountability of other men of God. Proverbs 27:17 says,"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Lay aside your inhibitions and give yourself to someone else. Open the door to a friendship and see how God can truly bless you.

Monday, October 27, 2008


As some of you know, I recently went on a mission trip to the Gulf Cost to help with the hurricane relief. While on this trip, I feel that God showed me that there is still a great need for revival in the churches.

As I went through the small communities and saw the massive destruction, I was surprised to see the only people that were there were a couple of men from the organization Thirst no more.

It seemed to me that there was not much 5 guys could do to help this church. The task seemed to be big.

While working on the church I became good friends with a man I was working with. I found out the second day that one of the guys I new from First Baptist Church in Springdale, some 13 or 14 years ago, now lives in Dallas.

I have learned in life that people will come in to your life for a season not knowing at that time that God may have put this person in my life for a reason. I do not think that it was just a coincidence two guys that have not seen each other in years were put together.

The hard part was trying to figure out if I was there for him or if he was there for me. Maybe neither, I do not know. Maybe if I would not look into things and try to figure out things and seek God for what he wants then he might make it more clear.

I know that when I fell to Satan's evil attack last year, Kim had so many people that was there for her. The way I see it God put someone spacial in her life for a season that would help her pray for me and help her turn to God for strength.

I look back over my life and there as been so many people that came and went through my life. I can only hope that If I was placed in their life for a season, I pray I was able to be there for what God put us together for.

Are you in a season with someone? Be sensitive to what their need is and take a good look at yourself to see that they might be there for you. Ask God to use the relationship.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hope: To cherish a desire with expectation of fulfillment.

Hope, what is it you are hopeful for? Are you even hopeful for anything?

I think too many times people get caught up in being hopeful on things. I have said too many times "I hope this happens" or "that happens", not just asking God to take care of it. Whether it be something big or small. I am not saying that you shouldn't hope. I just think we should rely on God instead of hope.

When I am looking for an answer I sometimes say out loud "I hope", but my heart is saying "Lord - help me with this".

Have you ever said I hope my kids or my parents are ok? I think what we really mean is "God, be with them".

I have learned over the last year I am hopeful in one thing...that God knows my heart and that I am doing what he has asked me to do.

1 Timothy 6:17 "Command those who are rich in the present world not to be arrogant nor to put their HOPE in wealth which is so uncertain, but to put their HOPE in God".

Friday, October 17, 2008


Faith do you have it? I know that it is not something that came over night for me. I thought it was hard when trials came before I started my walk with Christ. Man how I was wrong. I know for me, trying to stand for what I believe was not enough. Without faith you can only see what is in front of you or the near future. I have learned through several trials where my faith was. I didn't have any. I tried to fly by the seat of my pants (Oklahoma slang for I didn't have a clue).

For me it took some drastic measures to change my life. I thought God was letting me go on my own for a while, not leaving me out there too long. I can see now that he was always there for me I just couldn't see him through all the sin that I was living in.

He knew that if he let me see that I didn't have the faith it took to make it with out him that I would come to a place of total brokenness. When I was trying to live out what I wanted to I found myself with another woman, drinking, fighting, and just acting like a complete loser. This is what happens when you put faith in yourself, not in the one who is always faithful.

In the middle of all this sin I decided I was leaving home. I took a trip by myself where I told people I needed to take a sabbatical. WHAT??? I didn't even know what that was. I heard someone say they went on one and that sounded like another way I could get away and keep living the life I wanted to.

On this trip God tried to tell me several times - Rick this is enough, you need to have faith and come back to me and let me make everything new again. But I just turned up the radio and kept going. It took me hitting a deer and doing $6,000 damage to my truck, losing the keys to the cabin that I was going to be staying in, and not having anywhere else to turn before I turned to Him for help. It is amazing how when we are in trouble we ask God for help.

He did help and then told me to go home. But that was just the voice of God trying to get me to have faith in him. Over the next several months I would go from earning a great income, getting separated from the person that loved me the most, to losing our home and just feeling like checking out of this world early.

All of this because I let Satan in to run my life and didn't have faith and believe that God was going to help me.

After all this, I still do not have a job and not much money. In spite of this, I now know that the faith that I have and the little chills that he gives me lets me know he is here through this hard time. He has given me a peace that is worth all that stuff. I have my family back together and I am seeing him work in me and the ones around me. I had faith that he could restore it all and trusted in him to do it.

1 Corinthians 10:12 "So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you do not fall! (13) No temptation has seized you except what is common to man, and God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bare, but when you are tempted he will also give you a way out so that you can stand up under him".

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Reconciled: To restore to friendship or harmony. This word came to me last night when talking to a friend. He said that he needs to be reconciled with someone. It made me think when God brought me back from place where I was not with him. I have been blessed to have been reconciled to my wife, kids, and my family and most important to God. I think of the old hymn. "Amazing Grace - I ONCE WAS LOST BUT NOW I'M FOUND". Its only because God has reconciled me back to him where he gave me friendship with him. He also gave me harmony in my life which is what we Christians should have everyday.

2 CORINTHIANS 5:18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. That God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christs' ambassadors, as through God we're making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christs' behalf. Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Do you look at yourself as someone that can be trusted? I have always wanted to be trusted but never knew how to get someone to trust me. Maybe that was the problem. I wanted it so bad that I would go around trying and telling people that they could trust me, that you have my word, you can trust me. The problem was I didn't want to take the time to earn the trust. As I found out later I couldn't trust myself. I was so caught up in trying to juggle two lives. I didn't know that people could see that I could not be trusted and that the longer I led the two lives the less people trusted me.

In Psalms 37:3 His word says Trust in the Lord and do good, dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

Once I understood that I could trust God with my innermost thoughts, worries, shame, and dishonest actions - I could really enjoy safe pastures and start trusting in myself and trying to earn the trust of others by actions instead of trying to make people believe me.

Isaiah 30:15 This is what the sovereign Lord, the One of Israel says: In repentance and rest is your strength in quietness and TRUST is your strength.

In trust.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


What does it take to be forgiven? Some people believe that if they just ask a person for forgiveness then they will just say okay. I found that it is a lot harder to really accept an apology than it is to to give one. When you do something to someone, even if you are in the right, it takes swallowing your pride, humbling yourself and being sincere. To accept an apology I think you need to really look at the persons actions and see if they are being sincere. Look at how God forgives us of our sins. His word tells us that our sin is casted as far as the east is to the west. Is that what you do when someone sins against you? We are supposed to try and walk as righteous as we can so to forgive is also to forget.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


What is purpose? Is it the best job? Not trying to keep up with the Jones but being the Jones'? Or is it doing what ever you want and whatever makes you happy?

Even though my last name is not Jones I used to want everyone to try to keep up with me and I was always looking for the person that had something that I wanted. I would not stop for anything or anyone to get what I wanted. I felt that my purpose was whatever I made it and it was always changing.

Romans 8: 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called to his purpose.

We have all been called to His purpose - to love him, others, ourselves , and to serve him in all that we do.

We cannot go on thinking we know what is best for us and not give God the chance to work in our lives. We need to stand up for our family, friends, co-workers and most important our creator.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Why is it that men have such a hard time sharing their true feelings? Is it because our fathers didn't teach us or because some men are fatherless? Whatever the case might be, not being open to your brothers can cause you to put on a front and make you fall into a trap made by Satan. He wants you to think that acting tough and in control is the way a man shoule be. What I have found is that we sometimes put on these fronts out of fear. Fear of being hurt and fear of being exposed even to the ones that love us the most.

I know that for too long I didn't want to let anyone in because of the pain that occured with my parents getting divorced when I was 14. That was so long ago but yet I felt I had to hold on and cover it up so that no one would see that I was hurting. I can tell you that holding on to that kind of hurt will turn you into someone that you never intended on being.

Because I held on to the anger and hurt I was never going to see how much God loved me and I would never see how much my wife, kids and family really love me. I turned away from God, only then could I see how much he has done for me. He gave me a wife that no matter what I have done, will never stop loving me and kids that will always look up to me. But without God showing me these things I was never going to be open to what God wanted to give me which is mercy, grace and unconditional love from the Father.

Being real is trusting in God and yourself and being open to hurt, pain, embarrassment, shame guilt, sadness and bitterness. Being real will also bring happiness, joy, fulfillment, peace, kindness, goodness and understanding. When you put God first in your life you can then begin to open up and receive all of the things He has for you.