Thursday, April 9, 2009


Have you ever said to someone "I will pray for you"? How about someone saying they will pray for you? I have been guilty of saying I would pray for someone and then didn't and then sometime down the road that person would come to me and say thanks for all your prayers...ouch!!!! What do you say when that happens? Do you tell them you really didn't? Do you try and say you tried but forgot?

I thought about this when someone asked me to pray for them back when I was walking with God the way I am now. I told the person sure, no problem I am here for you, anything you need.

I will never forget it when that person came to me almost a year later and said thanks for praying for me. All I could do was look away and say problem and ask how did it turn out? The worse thing that could have come out of their mouth came out. After the person told me how all the things that he had asked me to help him pray for didn't happen, I was ashamed, felt guilty and just down right disgusted with myself.

I never told this person that I never prayed for them. I should have told this person I was not living in a time were I felt like I had the right to be praying for anyone, but instead I just said ok, I'll do it.

With all that being said I am so glad that I have come to a place with my walk with Christ that when I say I am going to pray that I can honestly say I do it. Sometimes if I feel I might not or the need is so great I will say lets pray right here and right now.

Have you ever read the verse in Luke when Jesus is talking to Simon? In Luke 22:31-32 "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked you to sift you as wheat. 32 but I HAVE PRAYED FOR YOU Simon that your faith may not fail". WOW!!! Jesus said he is praying for him that Satan will not get to him. I have really spent some time on this and I realized that he is also praying for us just as he did for Simon Peter. Jesus does not want us to fall to the lies and deceivement of Satan's evil ways.

I don't know about you but if I have people praying for me and I say I am going to pray for you and you know that Jesus is praying for you and me, how much more do we need?

If anyone comes to me and asks me to pray for them, know that my heart is right and that your need will be prayed for. If anyone that reads this needs prayer and wants me and anyone else that reads this to pray for them just post your need and it will be done. You can even stay anonymous if you would like.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Boy, does that hit home! I have gotten to where I ask the person if I can pray for them right then, or I pray for them as soon as I hang up the phone. We must remember that when we promise to pray for someone we not only make a promise to that person, but also to God!
James 5:16 The prayers of a righteous man can accomplish much.