Wednesday, January 14, 2009


We have all faced STUFF in our lives. Some have gotten so dirty, that it covered our faces. It's hard to to see the real person behind the stuff. I understand just as much as anyone about being covered in so much stuff that it hides your identity and your heart. No one can get to know you because of the stuff. It seems to me for so long I held on to the things in my life that after a while, I convinced myself that I didn't deserve a beautiful wife, two awesome kids and a life that a lot of people would be love to have.

But God is good. God loves us when we turn to Him and ask Him to cleanse us from the sins or stuff in our lives. Have you ever thought about the song that you are probably listen to right now? Washed by the water. There are so many songs that talk about being washed. Washed as white as snow, wash my sins away and being washed by the blood. Why is this? I think it's because so many will ask God to help them to forgive, to help us, to be with us, but do not ever let go of the stuff in our lives.

We all need to remember that we are washed by the water even though it might be painful. Even when the storms come you are washed by the water. Even when the rain pores. If we truly believe and ask God to come live inside of us, we all have been washed by His water and made clean and new. So let the dirty stuff you have done in your life go. God has.

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